Attorney General meets Law Society President
PublishedAttorney General meets Law Society President
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Attorney General meets Law Society President
Attorneys General King and Fanning co-host event in Belfast
Attorney General for Northern Ireland announces Trainee Solicitor Scheme 2024
The Attorney General met with representatives of the National Federation of SubPostmasters
The Attorney General for Northern Ireland issues a reminder of the need for caution around commentary on active criminal proceedings
Domestic Violence awareness session (Women's Aid NI)
Attorney General delivers key note speech on legislation in NI.
Attorney General welcomes restoration of NI Executive
Attorney General hosts Canadian Parliamentary Interns
Attorney General for NI publishes guidance on the use of social media and contempt of court.
Attorney General visits Ulster University to engage with students
Attorney General for Northern Ireland responds to the Supreme Court Judgement in the matter of an application by Rosaleen Dalton for Judicia
Advisory notice regarding media coverage of the Noah Donohoe Inquest
Attorney General for Northern Ireland announces Trainee Solicitor Scheme 2023
Attorney General meets UK and Scottish law officers
Attorney General's Office delivers training on deprivation of liberty procedures.
Where there is uncertainty as to whether a provision of a Bill passed by the Assembly is within the legislative competence of the Assembly,
Dame Brenda King was delighted to meet with Lesley-Anne Kinnon and Susan Wilson of the Shankill Women’s Centre today.
Lawyers representing the Attorney General for Northern Ireland will attend the Supreme Court this week.
Speaking today, Dame Brenda King, the Attorney General for Northern Ireland said: "I wish to offer my sincere condolences