Attorney General hosts EU Good Administration Colloquium

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The Attorney General’s colloquium brought together those interested in thinking about and discussing how public authority decision making at local, national and EU levels impacts on the effective implementation of law, policy and the rights of citizens. This was prompted, in part, by the work being done at EU level on developing a set of model rules for administration procedures, for example, the extent to which a person affected has a right to be heard before a decision is made and the scope of the duty to give reasons.

The Attorney General, speaking after the colloquium, said:

“This has been an enriching colloquium and it has, I think, helped all of the participants deepen their thinking about ways in which administration (at EU, National and local levels) can be made more accountable and efficient in the interests both of citizens and decision-makers.”

In addition to the Attorney, Professor Paul Craig of Oxford University and Will Haire, Permanent Secretary at the Department for Social Development gave their perspectives on improving public decision making.