Advisory notice issued by the Attorney General for Northern Ireland regarding publications purporting to identify a person known as ‘Soldier F’

Publication date:

The attention of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland has been drawn to the publication of posters and a series of postings on social media platforms purporting to identify a person known as ‘Soldier F’.

Soldier F is the subject of, and he has the protection of, an Anonymity Order made by the Magistrates’ Court. The order was made on 18 September 2019 and then, after legal challenge, was maintained on 21 June 2021.

Any members of the press seeking to report on this matter, and any member of the public posting on social media, should be aware that this court order remains in place, and nothing should be published which identifies (or is capable of identifying) Soldier F.

A breach of the above court order may constitute a contempt of court.